How does email forwarding work?

Our email forwarding system means we can monitor every bill for you, automatically.

Bill Hero needs to receive each of your bills to perform the analysis and rank your options for switching.  We'll let you know whenever we find annualised savings for you greater than your personal Bothered Threshold.

Our email forwarding system makes it easy for you to automatically route your email bills via Bill Hero, so every bill will be monitored without you needing to lift a finger.

Bill Hero automatically creates a unique email address for every subscriber to use with their retailers — they send bills to your Bill Hero address, and we auto-forward to your personal address.

Every subscriber has two email forwarding addresses: a 'friendly' address, and a 'long form' address. 

  • Your friendly address will usually be based on your personal email address — for example, if your personal email is, your friendly address would be
  • Your 'long-form' address uses a unique code such as

All messages sent to either or both of your Bill Hero email forwarding addresses will be auto-forwarded to your personal email, so you'll still receive all your bills and account correspondence, within seconds of them being sent.

All forwarded messages are sent verbatim, including the exact email content and any attachments that were present in the original email. The only difference is that we add an identifier to the original subject line, so all forwarded emails will start with:

[Forwarded via Bill Hero] - 

These forwarded messages will be sent to you from a custom Bill Hero address, but the 'reply to:' address will remain the same as it was in the original email, so if you reply to a forwarded email, the reply will go straight to the originator, not to Bill Hero.

How do I find my unique email forwarding address?

You can find your personal forwarding address by logging in to the Bill Hero Subscriber Portal. Here's how:


Bill Hero never initiates any emails delivered through the email forwarding system. We only ever forward them. 

Every message received by our email forwarding system that is correctly addressed to a valid Bill Hero email forwarding address will immediately be forwarded verbatim to the corresponding personal address for that subscriber. 

If you or your retailer share your Bill Hero forwarding address with other senders, their messages will also be forwarded to you through this system. It's possible that an external party could obtain your Bill Hero email forwarding address and use it to send you spam or other kinds of unwanted messages to you. 

If you believe you're being spammed through the email forwarding system, please contact our support team at, so we can investigate and block that sender if necessary.

Manually uploading your bills

You can also manually send or forward your bills to Please be sure to send or forward from the same email account you used to set up your Bill Hero subscription, so that the 'from:' address you send from matches a known Bill Hero subscriber address.